Saturday, June 18, 2011

Suspicious man with al Qaeda literature arrested near Pentagon

From ABC News (via Michelle Malkin):
Police detained a man near the Sept. 11 memorial at the Pentagon this morning after he was reportedly found carrying a suspicious device and pro-al Qaeda literature, officials said.

The man appears to be a U.S. citizen of Ethiopian ethnicity. He would not make any admissions to the police.

The man’s backpack contained what officials believe is ammonium nitrate and spent 9mm shells as well as written material that contained statements including: “al qaeda taliban rules,” sources told ABC News.

One source told ABC News that they need final confirmation on whether it is ammonium nitrate and it’s not clear whether this was a workable device.
The suspect's been identified, and what do you know:
The man in custody for carrying a backpack with “suspicious items and products” inside Arlington National Cemetery overnight is a U.S. Marine Corps reservist, military and law enforcement sources tell Fox News.

Yonathan Melaku, a Lance Corporal Marine corps reservist who lives in Virginia and who is Muslim, has been identified as the suspect in custody, Fox News has learned.
There's just one quibble: if his name tells something, is he an Ethiopian with Jewish ancestry who converted to darkness? It's very scary to think about.


  1. Yes, probably a convert.

    BTW, Melaku has had several recent run-ins with the law.

  2. This ABC News video report states Melaku had four zip lock baggies with a substance resembling ammonium nitrate in his backpack. At 01:49 mark in this video, the reporter states: ". . .as for the material in the backpack, it may be ammonium nitrate but it was not the type that is explosive.

    Hmmmm . there a product that is non-explosive ammonium nitrate?

    Suspect In Pentagon Scare Appears In Va. Court

    "Yonathan Melaku of Alexandria made an initial appearance in Loudoun County General District Court on two grand larceny charges. Melaku, 22, was ordered held without bond pending a status hearing Thursday. . ."No federal charges have been filed so far, but his detention on state charges gives federal authorities more time to investigate Friday’s incident.

    Melaku made his court appearance Monday via a video hookup from the Loudoun County jail, where he was in handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit. The larcenies for which he was charged allegedly occurred on May 26, and are in addition to four other larceny charges previously filed against him."

  3. Here's another thought . . .given his identity does not automatically pass the 'Muhammed quotient' for a lot of folks...
    Suppose he is a revert, but chose to keep his non-believer id to work under the radar. The left will either replace the "McVeigh" moral equivalence boogeyman, or upgrade their 'Christian' terrorist with the more "PC/MC - friendly", "Yonathan Melaku" to shut down counter-jihad criticism.
    FWIW: Dozens of FBI agents spent the day and some of the evening searching Yonathan Melaku's home on the 6100 block of Sage in Fairfax County on Friday. "FBI agents wouldn't say what, if anything, was found inside his home, but they could be seen leaving with boxes and bags believed to contain evidence."

  4. Another thought - why hasn't the msm revealed the identity of the 'mentally disturbed' 54 year old woman who made the bomb threat on US Airways Flight 2596 last week? She warned there was a bomb on the plane & claimed she had received the warning from God. It was later determined that the Shelbyville, Kentucky woman had an alleged history of mental problems. (uh huh)

    And what about the A 51-year-old woman on the DC Metro red line commuter train in Rockville who on June 13th got on her knees, and said, "You killed my family and now I'm going to kill you all."

    Anyone else notice there is no attempt to follow up with identities of these recent 'terrorists', or 'nut cases' in the DC area?
