Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Jihad Bio-Terror? Egyptian Seeds Linked to European E. Coli Outbreaks

From the New York Times:

European health officials have cautiously identified contaminated fenugreek seeds from Egypt as a probable common link between the devastating E. coli outbreak in Germany and a smaller outbreak in France, saying that there was still much uncertainty about “whether this is truly the common cause of all the infections.”  
A report by the European Food Safety Authority on Wednesday said that sprouts grown from fenugreek seeds imported from Egypt in 2009 and 2010 “are implicated in both outbreaks.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Unless your eating the seeds I don't get the connection. There are plants grown in manure but the plant doesn't contain the bacteria in the manure. It's the care taken of the plant itself as far as cleaning it before eating it that's why they were faulting organic growing. Sounds like they're trying to let organic gardening off the hook. You know what a big pet that is of the leftist kooks.
