Tuesday, June 28, 2011


We are each unique.

We are all unique.

No two people are alike.

people in the same family share a lot, but each is unique.

People in the same tribe share many things, but each is unique.

People in the same race share a lot, but each is unique.

People are different.

People are unique.

People are not equal.

Except before the law.

When we judge a person because of what race s/he belongs to - or which tribe or what family - then we are misjudging them.

When we allocate jobs or positions or admissions based on an individual membership in any "genre" - be it race or mobility status, or gender or age - then we are not treating them as unique individuals, and that is morally wrong.

If strength or IQ or speed or training is central to the ob at hand, then these aspects should be the only ones examined, and not race or gender or age.

That's why quotas and affirmative action and all other schemes to predetermine outcomes is morally reprehensible.

We should celebrate our unicity and not trample it in the name of some misguided notion of fairness or redistribution.

There is is just way for each of us to attain what we want and need in this world; it's simple; it is, "TO EACH ACCORDING TO HIS ABILITY."

This is what Dr. Martin Luther King - the christianist - yearned for when he said this:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
We need to get back to that core idea.

We need to reject any ideology which prejudges individuals and predetermines outcomes.

It is immoral. It is bad economics. It is anti-American.


  1. I'm at a loss for words. Hence, I'll settle for a 'Big Thank You' for this post.

  2. Anonymous11:18 PM

    When the day comes that King's words come true Black's will vote for their true values, in other words... Conservative Republican. No one has hurt black families more than liberal Democrats and when they realize that the days of blacks voting Democrat are over.
