Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hate Preacher and Banned Terror Supporter Salah allowed Entry to UK!!

"Raed Salah is an obnoxious hate preacher who starts riots. The political party he runs mourned Osama Bin Laden, and called him a “Sheikh” and a “Martyr”. Those who killed him were said to be working for “Satan”.
Salah was rightly excluded by the Home Secretary from the United Kingdom last week.
However, unbelievably, the UK Border Agency failed to stop him from actually getting into this country. He is now touring the UK, and will speak at meetings alongside various Labour Party MPs: Richard Burden, Jeremy Corbyn, and Yasmin Qureshi. Labour peer Alf Dubbs is possibly appearing as well. One of his meetings is being organised by Sarah Apps, the wife of former Labour MP, Martin Linton." 

Salah often speaks at Israeli universities despite multiple convictions on terrorism-related charges.The law offers no solution, as Salah would switch to speaking just outside the campus walls. Rather, the real problem is with the Israeli educators who invite Salah to speak at their universities, allegedly to promote freedom of speech, but really in pursuit of a leftist defeatist agenda. This freedom of speech is for Arabs only: right-wingers are never thus invited to speak at Israeli universities.Salah, a head of the Northern Islamic Movement, leads Israeli Arab resistance to the Jewish state. Despite organizing riots and openly inciting against Jews, he remains free. Jews who have said one hundredth of what Salah is preaching rot in jail for incitement.

1 comment:

  1. Why do the Israelis keep releasing this obvious terror-enabler? He holds massive rallies in the Galil (50K+) and encourages terror acts against Israeli civilians. He's been doing it for years. He needs to be imprisoned, not allowed to preach his message of hate and genocide.
