Thursday, May 05, 2011

You could not make this up: Judge gives immigrant drug dealer a verbal dressing-down by telling him to 'get a job, learn English and stop smoking pot!

A judge gave an immigrant drug dealer a verbal dressing-down by telling him to 'get a job, learn English and stop smoking cannabis'.

Pakistani-born Mohammed Ramzan, 32, had been spending £20 a day on cannabis, paid for by his benefits from the taxpayer.

After admitting three drug possession counts following raids police raids on his home in Derby, he faced a verbal tirade from a Crown Court judge.

As he was handed a suspended jail term at Derby Crown Court, Judge Andrew Hamilton told Ramzan, who had spoken in court through an interpreter: 'It's about time you learnt to speak English.

'It seems to me very difficult to live in this country if you can't speak the language.
'And you should be going out, getting work, instead of sitting at home smoking cannabis.'My advice to you is to give up drugs, go and learn English, go and get a job and do something useful.'

The court heard how police raided Ramzan's home in Derby, and found cannabis in plastic bags ready to sell.
Read more here.

1 comment:

  1. Pakistani-born Mohammed Ramzan, 32, had been spending £20 a day on cannabis, paid for by his benefits from the taxpayer.


    I bet he had one helluva stash of munchies, too. Those were likely paid by the taxpayers as well.
