Monday, May 09, 2011

Legalised Paedophilia and Child Sex Slaves in Saudi Arabia

From here:
The Saudis preference for blonde child sex-objects is documented by the Norwegian media. Meanwhile Norway continues to import more mozlems...
"Girl Children between five and 12 years old are sold to wealthy men in Saudi Arabia, where they are held as sex slaves. When they reach maturity, and many are thrown on the street and they end quickly as a prostitute."
Save the Children appeal to the Norwegian and Swedish ministers take up the issue with their Saudi counterparts, and asks private companies to take up the exploitation of children when they hit their business.- I am not surprised by the information about the existence of such traffic to Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region, particularly in light of that marriage with children is widespread and accepted, "said Sannah Johnson, regional director of the Middle East for the Swedish Save the Children.A well-organized network of traffickers supplying the Arab market with child brides from the North African country of Mauritania, says U.S. diplomats.Retrieved as sex slaves in their thousands from Yemen, in addition to that there is an extensive sex industry in Yemen offering sex with minors to rich men from the Gulf states, the Wikileaks documents and Aftenposten Bergens Tidende has access to.

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