Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Islamic Terror in the West: the Importance of Munich...

The United States’ intelligence services spent more than a decade trying to capture Osama bin Laden, following the terrorist attacks against the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Saalam.
Now they have succeeded, Osama bin Laden’s body has been lowered into the sea, and in newspapers and on the Internet it is speculated whether the world has become a safer place.
Looking back it is possible to detect many different times and places where things happened and that in one way or another pointed toward various future terrorist crimes.
One such place, which is important for our understanding of how the European militant Islam has emerged, is in Munich, according to the German TV journalist and historian Stefan Meining.In 1960 seven men met at the restaurant which was then only a simple Wienerwald chicken barbecue. They founded the so called “Mosque Construction Commission”. It was then that the German and European Islamist network was born, according to the authorStefan Meining. Almost all Islamic terrorism in the West, he says, has some connection with the Munich mosque.
Read the rest here. 

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