Sunday, May 08, 2011

A Gender Separated "Revolution".

From Baron Bodissey:
The radical Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir organized a demonstration yesterday in Amsterdam to support the protesters in Syria. In an unusual move, the organizers separated male and female demonstrators, in accordance with strict Islamic law.
If there were any doubt that the Salafist groups were involved in the “Arab Spring” uprisings, yesterday’s event would remove them. Hizb ut-Tahrir’s support for the Syrian protesters indicates a substantial Salafist presence among the regime’s opponents.
Our Dutch correspondent Bolleke has compiled a report on what happened yesterday in Amsterdam.
In response to the report, Frank van Dalen,  member of the city council of Amsterdam for the VVD, said:
"That could be so. But if these people were to do the same as what they did in our free country now in Syria and quite a few other countries, the result would not be this column, but a bullet in their heads.
It is an effrontery to preach what they preached, and to measure up the West as they did and at the same time taunting our freedom, our values of equal rights, as they did.
The ribbons of the garlands of commemoration day fluttered gaily in the wind in the face of this bizarre demonstration."
Read the rest here:

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