Saturday, April 09, 2011


The New York Post (via Jihad Watch) reports that the threatening package sent to Rep. Peter King was as disturbing as you can guess:
WASHINGTON -- The threatening package containing a bloody pig's foot sent to Rep. Pete King (R-LI) was as much a racist assault as it was religious hate mail, The Post has learned.

The rambling note accompanying the porcine parcel proclaimed that "white bitches" would soon be naming their sons Mohammed, said a Capitol Hill source.

The note contained anti-Semitic slurs, called the pig's foot a "Jew foot," taunted "kiss my black Muslim ass," and said King -- who is Catholic -- was targeted because of hearings he held on the radicalization of Muslim Americans.

King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, received numerous threats over the hearings and has been getting additional security.

The congressman's office would not comment on the threatening package other than to say it was cooperating with the investigation and referred questions to the Capitol Police.

US Postal Service screeners intercepted the package Monday at a postal facility before it reached King's office at the Capitol.
Was it a black Muslim who sent the package? Good question. The crazy writing seems to insult Muslim women at the same time, considering many are naming their children after Muhammed, and like many Arabs, the primary race Islam began with, are white, including Muhammed himself. It reminds me of this older case, an example of how Muslims can turn on each other, even possibly based upon skin color.

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