Saturday, March 12, 2011


5 family members were murdered in Itamar, Israel, stabbed to death by a terrorist who managed to get through an electrified fence. Do I need to continue with that part? What I can say is that, as the article tells, Fatah's al-Aqsa Brigade has claimed responsibility.

The prime minister has condemned the attack:
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Saturday blamed Palestinian incitement for Friday's terror attack in Itamar in which 5 Israelis from the same family were stabbed to death.
And indeed that's what caused this.

The US has called on Fatah to condemn this savagery. Not enough. Fatah must not even be recognized as legitimate.

1 comment:

  1. The US is run by a cabal of izlamo-commies and the EU is run by a bunch of national socialists: don't expect any action whatsoever from those Nazis as it is due to THEIR pressure on Israel, and Netanyahu's intransigence that this has happened.
    The lack of check-points in Judea and Samaria, recently reduced, has allowed the arabs to do the only thing they want to be free to do: kill more Jews!!
