Wednesday, March 02, 2011


The Daily Mail (via Big Peace) reports that a tragedy has struck in Germany:
Two American airmen were shot dead and another left fighting for his life today after a Kosovo Albanian gunman stormed their bus before opening fire at Germany’s busiest airport.

Some media reports said the gunman identified as Arik Uka, 21, shouted out 'Islamic slogans' before opening fire.

He gunned down his first victim as the soldier stood in front of the vehicle at Terminal 2 before turning his weapon on the driver as he sat behind the wheel. [...]

Police arrested the Kosovo man yards from the bus with the automatic weapon he used. He was also armed with a knife.

[...] Eyewitnesses said the man 'infiltrated' himself among the GIs before shouting out radical Islamic slogans and then reaching into a bag for his gun.

Kosovo Interior Minister Bajram Rexhepi said that the gunman had been identified as Arif Uka a Kosovo citizen from the northern town of Mitrovica. He had recently been living in Germany.
Extra article here. Our prayers must go out to the victims and their families who were attacked by this latest jihad horror, a product of the Muslim entity stemming from Bosnia.

1 comment:

  1. Damn.

    This isn't the kind of news I wanted to read today when I got home from work. **sigh**
