Friday, February 11, 2011


Pamela Geller will be going to the District of Columbia to attend the latest CPAC - as an unofficial event, of course - because of how its managers are absolutely dhimmified.

She'll be screening a documentary called The Ground Zero Mosque: The 2nd Wave of 9-11 Attacks.

That this dhimmi act by the CPAC organizers is continuing - with Grover Norquist still a likely influence - is very troubling.

Update: as Jihad Watch tells here, it's very important that everyone who can help out please do so.

1 comment:

  1. cpac is out.

    tea party is in.

    the tea party did more in a year then grover has in twenty.

    he's a dhimmi.

    of the worst kind.

    we should boycott grover and cpac and keene.
