Monday, January 24, 2011


Desperation just before the State of the Union Address? More revisionist history? Typical Leftist hypocrisy? In the final paragraph, Obama states:
When the future looked darkest and the way ahead seemed uncertain, President Reagan understood both the hardships we faced and the hopes we held for the future. He understood that it is always "Morning in America." That was his gift, and we remain forever grateful.
Is Obama actually promoting American exceptionalism now?

Read the op-ed essay (note byline), and decide for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Osama/obama has seen how the "crocodile tears" re the shooting of the little girl and the Democratic senator, went down with the public so he is faking this too! It is all an act, while below decks, it's business as usual!!

    I hope people don't believe the hype. This freak will do anything to stay in power and keep his agenda going!
