Monday, January 17, 2011


We have been warned that the Health Care Reform in the United States would lead to death panels deciding who should benefit from medical intervention, and who should "fend for themselves. "

This is not a hypothetical argument; in fact, the greater our ability to save lives the greater the potential moral danger of abuse of this power.

To whit: recent reports from Denmark - [ENGLISH HERE] longtime bastion of socialized medical care - that reveal that many doctors have been marking patient journals with secret codes to inform other staff not to resuscitate, or admit to intensive care, or administer heart massage etc.

These codes have been put in the patients journals without the informed consent of patients and/or their families.

This practice is not limited to one hospital - the widespread use of secret codes by more than 130 doctors has been confirmed by a recent study.

1 comment:

  1. this is what happens when the doctors/hospitals work for the government and not the patient.

    this is what happens when the doctors and hospitals are more concerned with budgets of the government than paitents.
