Wednesday, January 19, 2011

British mothers and toddlers banned from council-funded playgroup for immigrants | Mail Online

"What country are you from"? Overt and institutionalised racism - against British people!!

British mothers and toddlers banned from council-funded playgroup for immigrants | Mail Online


  1. Hi.
    If you read the article carefully you can read that the group was established for "women only" due to the fact that men would show up.So why to ban British women or is something else going on in this "Group"?

  2. "British" is a nationality not a gender, Will!!

  3. Hi Jennifer.
    My point is the say in the article"He said: 'We believe there are plenty of other alternatives for British mothers in the town.

    'We have had an issue with men turning up before and back then we told them the group is strictly for mothers so it's nothing to do with racial discrimination"We had an issue with men!So why suddenly involve nationality?The whole thing makes no sence!
