Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Pamela Geller wrote at The American Thinker about how ICANN has changed its directorial board to include members of Arab/Islamic countries, and this signal that the internet may be at a critical stage in development, especially for free speech in combatting Islamofascism:
It was hardly noticed at the time, but its consequences could be catastrophic. Late last September, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which assigns internet domain names, approved a huge change in the way it operates. Europe and North America will now have five seats on its Board of Directors, instead of ten, and a new "Arab States" region will have five seats as well.

How big a deal is this? ICANN at the same time took a reference to "terrorism" out of its Draft Applicant Guidebook. Why? Because Arab groups complained. And so now jihad terror websites can grow and prosper, as ICANN has removed its own ability to police them.

This has been a long time coming.

Back in October 2009, I warned of a seismic transformation in internet regulation and free speech. Under the transnational-happy Obama administration, the U.S. relinquished control of the net at that time. ICANN ended its agreement with the U.S. government.

If not America, who? Now we know the answer to that. The new agreement gave other countries (including dictatorships and rogue nations) and the U.N. the ability to set internet use policies. At the time, I wrote, "[W]atch for Sharia law to find its way into this."

Well, that didn't take long. The ICANN action in September gave the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and other unfriendly nations a prominent internet role -- something they never could get during the administration of George W. Bush.
Read it all. This is exactly why everyone concerned needs to take notice, and do their best to prevent what could be a takeover by shari'a from happening online. Otherwise, the Net could be destroyed by Islamofascism.

Update: here's more on the FCC issue at Hot Air and Big Government.

1 comment:

  1. We bloggers know how important the Internet is with regard to getting out, to a limited audience at least, the stories that the msm will not cover.
