Wednesday, December 08, 2010

MPACUK Calls on Muslims to Get MORE Extreme!

This is a message from the extremist muslim association in the UK, MPACUK: more violence required! And yet there is stunning silence from EVERYONE! On December 11, in London there will be a "conference against "islamophobia"," another invention of muslims in order to advance islam. There are Jews with doctorates in education at this conference, yet they are totally uneducated about islam and the koran!

Wikileaks has revealed the abject cowardice of the UK government in dealing with the Libyan government over Lockerbie, preferring to betray the relatives of the deceased, than lose Libyan oil.

Now there is a hideous silence over this declaration to increase the violence of the jihad against the West!
"Extremism in the Pursuit of Liberty is No Vice; Moderation in the Pursuit of Justice is No Virtue Sun 3 Oct 2010 MPACUK calls on Muslims to get a little extreme; no we call on Muslims to get very extreme. The time for moderation is over, the time for passive acceptance is gone, no longer are we held back by empty platitudes of ‘serving the community’. Muslims need to get active and get vocal now, we need to demand full accountability of our Police force, and break all links with West Midlands Police until those who were responsible for the attempted internment of the Muslim community are given their P45’s or better still shown the inside of a cell. Muslims were lied to and deceived by the West Midlands Police.In a systematic and underhand way, to change the perception of the community, and gain support from the Muslim community for their own internment by playing on their fears. To hide important information on the involvement of private military contractors in the formulation of a ‘net of ANPR’ cameras. To remove all elements of counter-terror insignia from important documents in order to deceive elected officials as to the true nature of the scheme, by using the Safer Birmingham Partnership (SBP) to subvert the law, by bypassing planning permission and using SBP to give a false impression of the nature of the scheme and then ignoring their response. Most importantly however, totally and utterly disregarding the human rights of the Muslim community."
More here.


  1. Hi .
    Could this be related to this statement?

    Cleric sets Qatar a test of faith.During a recent Friday sermon, Sheikh Yusef al-Qaradawi, arguably the world’s leading scholar of Sunni Islam, uttered a few words that drew little notice internationally but could have big implications for future relations between Christians and Muslims.“I was for the possibility of bridging the gap between the east and the west but recently I have changed my mind on this issue, especially since the west wants to impose its values and traditions on us,” Mr Qaradawi told his congregation at Doha’s Omar bin Al Khattab Mosque in a televised sermon in October. “West is west and east is east. They do not recognise or follow our traditions and customs, so we should not follow theirs,” Mr Qaradawi said, echoing Rudyard Kipling, the British author.“He has never been one to build bridges with the west but this marks a great change,” says Bettina Gräf, author of Global Mufti, a 2009 book on Mr Qaradawi. “It is highly significant ... because it makes a difference if a very popular figure calls for divisions between Islam and the west and therefore manifests a dichotomy which is not there in reality. He considers himself a moderate in the many different meanings of the word, but being moderate would – in my opinion – include not to call for such divisions these days.”Yet if Qaradawi repeated his “west is west” statements on his weekly Al Jazeera show they would reach up to 40m people. Many millions more would get the message by word-of-mouth, online video and other means. Ms Gräf says Mr Qaradawi’s new perspective could have a significant impact on young Muslims in Europe. “The majority would be more reflective,” she says. “But, of course, there is a minority that may become more radical." put it bluntly ...this is war!

  2. Hi .
    Could this be related to this statement?

    Cleric sets Qatar a test of faith.During a recent Friday sermon, Sheikh Yusef al-Qaradawi, arguably the world’s leading scholar of Sunni Islam, uttered a few words that drew little notice internationally but could have big implications for future relations between Christians and Muslims.“I was for the possibility of bridging the gap between the east and the west but recently I have changed my mind on this issue, especially since the west wants to impose its values and traditions on us,” Mr Qaradawi told his congregation at Doha’s Omar bin Al Khattab Mosque in a televised sermon in October. “West is west and east is east. They do not recognise or follow our traditions and customs, so we should not follow theirs,” Mr Qaradawi said, echoing Rudyard Kipling, the British author.“He has never been one to build bridges with the west but this marks a great change,” says Bettina Gräf, author of Global Mufti, a 2009 book on Mr Qaradawi. “It is highly significant ... because it makes a difference if a very popular figure calls for divisions between Islam and the west and therefore manifests a dichotomy which is not there in reality. He considers himself a moderate in the many different meanings of the word, but being moderate would – in my opinion – include not to call for such divisions these days.”Yet if Qaradawi repeated his “west is west” statements on his weekly Al Jazeera show they would reach up to 40m people. Many millions more would get the message by word-of-mouth, online video and other means. Ms Gräf says Mr Qaradawi’s new perspective could have a significant impact on young Muslims in Europe. “The majority would be more reflective,” she says. “But, of course, there is a minority that may become more radical." put it bluntly ...this is war!

  3. Hi.
    Could this be related to this statement?

    Cleric sets Qatar a test of faith.During a recent Friday sermon, Sheikh Yusef al-Qaradawi, arguably the world’s leading scholar of Sunni Islam, uttered a few words that drew little notice internationally but could have big implications for future relations between Christians and Muslims.“I was for the possibility of bridging the gap between the east and the west but recently I have changed my mind on this issue, especially since the west wants to impose its values and traditions on us,” Mr Qaradawi told his congregation at Doha’s Omar bin Al Khattab Mosque in a televised sermon in October. “West is west and east is east. They do not recognise or follow our traditions and customs, so we should not follow theirs,” Mr Qaradawi said, echoing Rudyard Kipling, the British author.“He has never been one to build bridges with the west but this marks a great change,” says Bettina Gräf, author of Global Mufti, a 2009 book on Mr Qaradawi. “It is highly significant ... because it makes a difference if a very popular figure calls for divisions between Islam and the west and therefore manifests a dichotomy which is not there in reality. He considers himself a moderate in the many different meanings of the word, but being moderate would – in my opinion – include not to call for such divisions these days.”Yet if Qaradawi repeated his “west is west” statements on his weekly Al Jazeera show they would reach up to 40m people. Many millions more would get the message by word-of-mouth, online video and other means. Ms Gräf says Mr Qaradawi’s new perspective could have a significant impact on young Muslims in Europe. “The majority would be more reflective,” she says. “But, of course, there is a minority that may become more radical." put it bluntly ...this is war!

  4. Hi,
    I'm sorry to see that it appeared 3 times i had problems leaving the comment each ti me i tried the page just closed on me i thought nothing appeared,seems i was wrong feel free to remove the extra comments.
