Saturday, November 13, 2010

Muslim extremist Jalal Ahmed who yelled abuse at British soldiers back from Iraq is a baggage handler at Luton Airport

This man has been able to move around the security side of a British airport. This is not his first demo for these ugly racist supremacists. There have been many. This individual is no doubt well-known to the police.

But now his face is on the front page of a mainsteam media site, someone is acting. But not the police.

No doubt they enjoy the kickings they get from their islamo-commie student thugs too much!

Muslim extremist Jalal Ahmed who yelled abuse at British soldiers back from Iraq is a baggage handler at Luton Airport | The Sun |News|Campaigns|Our Boys

1 comment:

  1. Hi.
    For years i have been saying that the weakest link in airport security are the staff working at the airport .are they screened the way passengers are screened or patted down?....exactly !
