Saturday, November 13, 2010

London Police to allow muslim police to wear hijabs!

The London Daily News

They will NEVER enter my house! It's against my religion: no Jew-hating racists!


  1. Hi.
    Lets say a kid get lost in the streets ,it's getting dark and suddenly two coppers like this grab hold of him,i'm sure he'll have a lifelong trauna from it .

  2. And that is worse than a muslim-hating racist like you?

  3. Well, isn't that special? **snerk**

  4. Love the way anyone speaking against a Religion is called racist! Muslim is a religion not a race so how can you be racist? Plus the fact wearing a hijab or burka is a choice, no where in the quran does it say they have to wear them, it is a personal choice by the women, so if they are told they cannot wear them by an employer they should have to obide by the same rules as everyone else, what they wear in there own home is upto them but in a place of work they obide by the rules same as everyone else
