Thursday, September 23, 2010

Soetoro is a Pariah even in Manhattan

Gail Sheehy describes how the campaign scrambled to sell 650 tickets to a Presidential appearance, even as low as $100 a pop:

Who would have thought that six weeks before a cliffhanger election, President Obama would have to reach down to the D list to fill a room to listen to him? Most of us low rollers arrived early to see President Obama up close and personal. Our tickets for the general reception at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York were only $100. Some thought the email invitation was a joke. Some bought tickets for $50 from their desperate Democratic committeeman. Some bought the same day.

He is so over. This is Manhattan Island we're talking about. That's where the "Upper West Side" is located, isn't it?

From Messiah to Pariah in 2 years. Whoa!


  1. yeah baby!

    and they had 100 empty seats!

  2. With a bit of luck he'll start paying to come and listen to him.Job stimulance he might call it!
