Friday, September 03, 2010

Proof that if you want really peeace, then you have to accept the necessity of eliminating Hamas

BBC: Gaza militants vow Israel attacks

Militant groups in the Gaza Strip vow to step up attacks against Israel, following the first direct talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders in nearly two years.

Can there really be any doubt as to which side is the obstacle to a treaty!? (Keep in mind that Fatah is only marginally better: Fatah is the reason that talks have been postponed for the last 2 years. Fatah still teaches anti-Semitism and just days ago honored the mother of a suicide bomber.)

Peace in the Holy Land will only come about after Hamas and Hizballah are CRUSHED.

And that can only happen after Teheran's islamo-terror tyranny is CRUSHED.

The sooner the better.

1 comment:

  1. Islam is a one-way street in a number of ways. The penalty for leaving Islam is death. Another is that once land is controlled by Islam, it cannot ever revert to anything else, or it becomes 'occupied'. In the eyes of Islam, ALL of Israel is 'occupied' land. The Israeli naval blockade is seen by Islam as being illegal because these are 'Muslim waters'. This idea of Islamic nationalism is the root cause of the war and supplies the Islamic army with the ideology and men to wage war. This must be ended before Islamic terrorism ends. History has shown that it will take warfare to end it.
