Sunday, September 05, 2010

"Oops! I've Done It again!" Obama "Trips" on White House Rug! (Daily Mail)

It has taken Obama 18 months to put his own stylish and chic stamp on the historic Oval Office.

Snazzy brown leather on antique Federal mahogany chairs, nice dun-coloured Dralon on the sofas, a tacky and "modernist" (...) coffee table that looks like it has been covered with tiles, and topped with a bowl of apples. (Imagine Abbas munching on an apple and throwing the core behind the sofa)

On the walls what looks like a portrait of Obama's favourite minaret.

[CORRECTED] And the coup de grace: quotation from Martin Luther King around the edge of the rug that bears the seal of the POTUS.


Apparently the quotation originates with reformist and abolitionist Theodore Parker, 1810-1860. Although some of the great men named above did repeat Parker's words, they did not originate them.

Dumb and dumber!

More here at Daily Mail.


  1. hmmm: a bowl of apples? homage to the serpent...

  2. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I think it was just the MLK quote that was wrongly attributed.
