Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Muslim-loving Swedish Government gets the jitters over this Danish Politician!

muslim rioting in Rosengard, Sweden, 17 March 2009
"If Swedes want Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo to turn into Scandinavia's Beirut, with clan wars, honour killings and gang rapes, we (the Danes) can always put a gate into the Oresund Bridge!" So speaks Pia Kjersgaard, leader of the Danish People's Party, on a visit to Sweden. Malmo is already known as Malmostan for its muslim attacks on old people and Jews. Jews are leaving because the Mayor of the town is pro-islam and anti-Israel: he is a nazi, basically. He encourages the attacks on Jews. But in general, the Swedes are not getting a handle on the mess they have for an immigration policy: their former "integration" minister was Mona Sahlin, a marxist, law-breaking hypocrite.
From Gates of Vienna and here and this from 2004!

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