Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Message to Speaker Pelosi: "Stand up for Muslim Women, not Islamists like Rauf!"

Iranian woman after attack by plain-clothes Basiji, Tehran. (iconicmidwest.blogspot)
This is an open letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi regarding her stated desire to investigate the funding of the opponents of the Ground Zero mosque, from Manda Zand Ervin.

Ms Ervin is a political refugee from Iran. Iranian women know the true price to be paid for being female in a totalitarian Islamic state. Pelosi and the jihadists in the White House seem intent on driving the American nation towards this end at warp speed!

Women in Iran are beaten in the streets for wearing "incorrect hijab" by the police, raped and murdered if they peacefully demonstrate in public! (Neda Agha Soltan, Taraneh Mousavi among others).

Young men too are raped and murdered by the Basiji and the IRGC, the nazi-like organisation that runs Iran under the leadership of Ayatollah Khamenei.

From: PyjamasMedia.

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