Wednesday, September 08, 2010


For Obama's entire time in office tax rates have been pretty much what they were under Bush.

Under Bush, revenues went up from 2003-2007.

We got more then than we are getting now. revenues have decreased because the economy has shrunken. That's because in late 2008 the Housing Bubble (inflated by decades of liberal policies that forced banks to make bad mortgage loans) burst (in part due to an Energy Bubble which burst).

Revenues declined as a result of the recession which followed. The Bush Tax rates are yielding less revenue because the economy is smaller now than it was then.

This led to deficits.

These revenue deficits were compounded by the fact that government expenditures increase in recessions as aid to people and states in need increases.

On top of that, Obama increased spending with the so-called "Stimulus". As a result of his spending increases, in his 19 months in office, Obama has actually increased the debt by more than all previous presidents combined.

And now, Obama wants to increase taxes to pay for more spending maybe without increasing deficits - or at least by putting us on a different "glide path" toward eventual deficit reductions in the decades to come.

Taxes cannot decrease the deficit - because they will cause the economy to shrink - and we need it to grow for revenues to go up.

IOW: We should be employing policies the exact opposite of Obama's. Obama is doing the exact WORST thing. And we are getting the expected result: a faltering economy about to double dip.

Instead of raising spending and taxes, we need to cut spending and taxes.

In order to decrease outlays to people and states in need, we must have an economy that's GROWING.

In order to have an economy that's growing we need to cut taxes and cut government spending.

There's plenty of money on the sidelines waiting for a good time to invest it here. More than the federal government can borrow or take away from taxpayers who are already cash-strapped.

That private money can do more good than any government spending. The only way to get that money back in the game - thought investment and consumption - is to cut taxes and regulations and government spending.

The tired old Keynesian argument that we need the government to be the spender of last resort in order to maintain aggregate spending is... tired and old and disproved: if it worked then the USSR would be the richest nation on Earth!

The people of the United States of America basically and intuitively know that the federal government should get out of their pockets and out of the way of private enterprise.

They see that Obama's policies have failed.

They see that they were only passed corruptly. Secretly - in the dead of a WEEKEND night.

That's why we will overwhelmingly get rid of as many Democrats this November as we can.


And Republicans too if they DON'T get it.

We want less taxes and less government and we ant it NOW!

We will get it November.

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