Thursday, September 09, 2010

15 Killed in Russian Suicide Bomb Attack Today!

Today in Vladikavkaz
Why is this not being covered in MSM? Together with terrible wildfires that have wrought great destruction and  suffering in Russia, bomb attacks go unrecorded by Western media. Russian people, like those in the West, are being betrayed by their leaders.

What about the 60,000 black Sudanese here, displaced or drowned by floods at the end of August??

The only people in the world who are suffering are - you guessed it - the mahounds!

According to al Arabiya, Russian officials are investigating an "apparent" suicide bombing in North Ossetia:
Google map of North Ossetia

1 comment:

  1. Videos from the spot terrorist attack in Vladikavkaz:

    And Moscow is celebrating Ramadan:
    Be sure to check all the pictures, it's a nightmare!
    If Paris can be called Parizhstan, that Moscow should call Moskvabad
