Monday, August 23, 2010


It's been reported that Israel and the palestinian authority are going to have talks in Washington on September 2. So far, as reported in Yisrael HaYom, for example, there'll be no demand for a further "settlement freeze". But that doesn't mean we should be letting down our guard. Concessions by Israel could happen, and we mustn't remain silent if it does. Even George Will in the Washington Post has said that many concessions by Israel would be suicidal.

That's why Israelis are going to have to start making some noise now, if they don't want another horrible fate cast upon the country.

Update: it remains to be seen how this will affect the connections between Fatah and Hamas.

Update 2: here's also a column by Jeff Jacoby.

Update 3: extra item from Power Line.

Update 4: and here's an entry from One Jerusalem.

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