Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The UN has ratified the theft of Kosovo from Serbia!

Remember the Balkan War in the 1990's? Do not think it is over and has been "solved"!

Do not praise Lord Paddy "Pantsdown" Ashdown for the invaluable service he has provided for peace in the region!

In May this year, the Albanian muslims(there are Albanian Christians too) attacked the Serbs because they did not like the fact they were not in charge of local elections in Mitrovica.

In June, an Albanian muslim from Mitrovica was arrested in North Carolina for involvement in a terror plot.

In July, the UN, with its large number of OIC(Organisation of Islamic Conference) countries, handed Kosovo, which is part of Serbia and has been for longer than islam has existed (Constantine the Great, first Christian Roman emperor of Byzantium, was a Serb), over to muslims!

The UN has claimed that this theft is legal.

This is islam: theft by whatever means, of other people's land.

That means your country and mine!


  1. Hi .
    Great to point out this "arangement" by the UN.My guess it will only get worse with a Turk as second in command of Nato,and Turkey in the UN council.
