Friday, August 20, 2010


John Brennan is Obama's chief counter-terror advisor.

In June he met with the editorial board of The Washington Times.

The Washington Times had criticized Brennan for a speech he gave because he argued that poor social conditions are what drive some Muslims into Jihad.


ALL of the 9/11 mass murderers were educated and had ample opportunity to seek education and employment in the West. They were not impoverished, under-educated or criminal, nor did they come from broken homes. They were not driven into Jihad by the material horrors of their lives - for their lives were not materially horrible. They were attracted to Jihad because it is the core of Islam and - despite their lives of relative material ease - they were very dedicated Muslims.

Those who claim the swamp is poverty are dupes or traitors.


Watch Brennan; he just doesn't get it:

More from Ed Driscoll:

TWT: We have a copy of your speech here from, which I assume is the correct speech and the way I read this, and I think the plain English reading is : ‘This includes addressing the political, economic and social forces that can make some people fall victim to the cancer of violent extremism.’

BRENNAN: Right…victim to the cancer of violent extremism. Victim to that cancer as opposed to

TWT: But, you’re not talking about dead bodies here. You’re talking about the people who fall under the sway of the terrorist ideology and…


TWT: …and commit acts of terror.

BRENNAN: Absolutely…as you say fall under the sway of, and what you say in your editorial is that ‘the terrorists are victims of political, economic, and social forces.’ That is not what I said.

TWT: That’s exactly what you said.

BRENNAN:That is not exactly what I said.

TWT: Immediately afterwards, you start talking about how you’re going to address this, and you say that ‘we need to show that legitimate grievances can be resolved, that we need to have good governance, that we need to reduce corruption, we need to renew partnerships and improve education, health, and basic services.

BRENNAN: Right, but don’t you think those are worth while endeavors? And don’t you think that some factors contribute to the spawning of terrorists and extremist forces?

TWT: You’re saying that the people who are terrorists are victims of these things.

BRENNAN: I didn’t say that. Read what I said literally

TWT: We did read what you said.

BRENNAN: And you still don’t get it…do you?

TWT: No. Particularly since, if my knowledge of history is anything, that the terrorists who strike us over and over again are not people who are victims of these things. They are people who have the opportunity to become westerners. They are people who have the opportunity to…

BRENNAN: Opportunity to become westerners?!?! Boy if that is not an arrogant attitude. Opportunities to become westerners…people who strike us wherever they’re from?

TWT: People who are so oppressed, that they have college educations at western schools. People who are so oppressed that people who have middle class lifestyles even in that places that they come from that are poor.

BRENNAN: Right. They are ideologically driven by a perverse and distorted version of Islam. Absolutely.

TWT: That has nothing to do with their social situation. Their social situation is just fine.

BRENNAN: So you don’t think that people who become ideologically driven are influenced at all by the political, social, and economic forces of their environment? You’re saying that they do this irrespective of their environment…of those social, political, and economic forces that are out there?

TWT: You’re not accurately describing their environment.

Huh. You’d think the Obama White House in particular would understand better that “social, political, and economic factors” and other issues facing the immediate environment of someone often have nothing to with creating a terrorist worldview.

The left just doesn't get it; they want to blame poverty or the West but NEVER ISLAM!




Here's the first half of the speech in question:

Brennan is articulating the postmodern version of reality; it's a version in which the USA and Israel and Christianity are the bad guys whose century of bad behavior created the conditions which give rise to people who are susceptible to Jihad. It's a pseudo-intellectual way of saying our chickens came home to roost.

This of course not only fails to explain the 9/11 hijackers, but also the preceding 1200 years of Global Jihad waged by Muslims against NON-WESTERN Hindus, Buddhists, Bahais, Zoroastrians, and animists.

It's not only an explanation that fails the fact-test; it fails the morality test, too: 20% of the people of the world are impoverished. Most do not become Jihadists. Saying poverty breeds jihad is a slur against poor people - most of whom are law-abiding and peaceful people.

I think the "Petri dish" of Jihad is the misogynist Muslim family: families which raise boys to believe murdering a female family member can restore family honor are of course going to be able to commit genocide against people their faith designates as infidels.

The swamp is the misogynist family. The thing that made this swamp and the disease that breeds in this swamp is Islam itself.

If Brennan was serious about wanting to drain the swamp using non-kinetic means, then he should be pursuing an aggressive anti-misogynist strategies: isolating and enacting harsh sanctions regimes against all nations that permit misogyny, forced marriages, honor-killing, and so forth. As long as women in Islamic nations can be second class citizens, there will be boys raised to become jihadists.


  1. You are speaking about a postmodern meme that invades virtually all social sciences.

    Even now they are scrambling to understand why crime is going down even while unemployment continues to rise.

    Excuse me, but your post made me laugh. I remember as a teenager falling in love with philosophy, and beginning with Aristotle worked my way through to the 20th century, naively assuming that progress was linear.

    I struggled and struggled with Sartre and Camus, trying desperately to 'get it,' and then it hit me in the face. I realized, "I hate these guys. They are idiots." Haha.

    If you want a really grand experience by a master trashing post modernism in every respect (and socialism's premises at the same time), read Dostoevsky's 'Notes from Underground.'

  2. From the original speech Brennan gave, when he spoke in arabic and called Jerusalem al quds(so UGLY!!)
    I knew he was a muslim!

    He behaves exactly like one and there is zero doubt in my mind that he is a muslim but with taqqiya, pretends not to be.

  3. he might as well be a muslim,
