Wednesday, August 25, 2010


In a new book out this week, Thilo Sarrazin, a board member of Germany's central bank states that, "arabs and Turks have no productive function other than the fruit and vegetable trade".

In my own personal experience, I second that(apart from bombs), where I used to live in East London, that is all they did!

Green Party head, Cem Ozdemir, called Sarrazin a "tribal leader in the mould of bin Laden"!!!

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

A wretched Turk who no doubt has been given everything in the way of education and a living by Germans, now steps in to attack his hosts!

And from the perspective of the Green Party who know how to complain, have little meetings and rant about global warming without actually ever creating anything substantial!

The Green Party in the UK are extremely suspect and recently rallied against Israel. The German Greens are probably the same, after all Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian and was always trying to stop people smoking. He was also an animal-lover. (...)

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