Wednesday, August 04, 2010


Must-see video of Nihad Awad, founder and executive director of CAIR:

Now, why don't any of these news Fox News Channel anchors and pundits, including even Bill O'Reilly, call Nihad Awad's hand on THIS INFORMATION about his background, including but not limited to the quotation below?
“I am a supporter of the Hamas movement.”
Nihad Awad is quite the spokesperson to advocate the Ground Zero Mosque, huh?

Read more about Nihad Awad HERE at The Investigative Project On Terrorism.


  1. He also said the other night on O'Reilly "We are sick and tired of condemning the terrorists".

  2. He also said on O'Reilly the other night "We are sick and tired of condemning the terrorists."

  3. I saw this piece of trash on BO. It is pathetic what we are doing. On a side note, I try not to watch BO anymore he has gone completely obnoxious. Never lets anyone else talk unless they totally bow down to him and his ego.
