Sunday, July 18, 2010

Clinton and Obama campaign donor Hassan Nemazee jailed for 12 years for fraud

From Eye on the World:

Hassan Nemazee, center, leaves federal court with his attorney Paul Schectman, rear, after pleading guilty to a $292 million bank-fraud scheme in New York, Thursday, March 18, 2010. Nemazee, the Chairman and CEO of Nemazee Capital Corporation, has been charged with defrauding Bank of America, Citibank, and HSBC in loan proceeds. He was the national finance chairman for Hillary Rodham Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign. He later raised money for President Barack Obama. (AP Photo)
(NY Daily News) A top Democratic money man for Hillary Clinton's failed presidential run was tossed in jail for 12 years for bank fraud.

Hassan Nemazee, 60, the finance chair for Clinton's campaign, pleaded guilty in March to a $292 million Ponzi swindle.

The investment banker faced more than 19 years in jail but Manhattan Federal Judge Sidney Stein cut him a break.

"You've done a lot of good in your life," Stein said. "You've been extremely charitable, even before this fraud."

But the judge said he was dumbfounded Nemazee risked it all for a scam "breathtaking in its brazenness and its scope."

"The 'how' is simple," Stein said. "But nobody could say 'why.'"

Nemazee had no explanation.

"I have spent countless hours trying to understand why and how I came to cross the line: pride, ego, arrogance, self image, self-importance...I'm guilty of these crimes. I'm also guilty of hypocrisy," he said.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Progressivism.

Look, Progressives, like their Marxist forebears, are willing to do anything to achieve the Utopia they believe is right around the corner, as soon as they get to run everything the way THEY think it should be run.

It is not hard to imagine that Nemazee believed that, were he to "risk it all for a scam", he might be able to raise enough money to push his fellow traveler, Barack Obama, over the top, ushering in an era where the government provides endless milk and honey to the huddled masses, uh, proletariat.

You know, the little people, like you.

And, the fact is, his scam worked. He raised the money, and Obama got elected, and now we see the fruits of the Socialist Utopia, and we see why this man might have believed it was worth to reach this state "by any means necessary."


Welcome to Utopia folks. Also known as Obamaville, where you are forever in debt to the company store.


  1. Like the old song "16 Tons", "St Peter don't call me cause I can't come, cause I owe my soul to the company store"! You are right they sold their souls for something that doesn't exist anywhere but in their twisted minds!

  2. I calls 'em, the way I sees 'em.
