Saturday, June 26, 2010


The people who tell you they can turn society into heaven on earth are always terrorists because people who believe this can be done are willing to do ANYTHING to bring it about and if you or anyone else gets in the way of their vision/version of heaven on earth, then they will get you out of their way any way they can.

That's why the most dangerous people on earth are utopianists, and it's why they're always statists - because to attempt to refashion society into a utopia you must have a strong state to reign in individuals who resist. And to reign them in they always use terror - in one form or another.

People on the right - who value most individual liberty and accountability - are people who accept that people and society are imperfectable; therefore they accept that a society based on individual liberty and democracy and a free market is merely the best we can hope to do. Many things about a free democratic society suck (just as idiot statist Tom "China for a day" Friedman); it's just the best social system around - ever & anywhere.

Our Founding Fathers weren't out to create a PERFECT UNION, just a MORE PERFECT one.

That's why they wrote Article Ten of the Constitution:
X - Rights of the States under Constitution

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The state ONLY has defined limited power and rights derived from a willing transfer of some of the power and rights inherent to each person.

Any system which attempts to take individual power and liberty away from the individual is tyrannical.

Even if they say it's for our own good or the common good. (They always do, don't they!)

They have always been wrong and have always made things worse, poorer and less free.


Then let each person attempt to perfect their own self. No one gets hurt and we all prosper.

Socialists and jihadists are the two biggest threats to individual liberty and the prosperity individual liberty produces.

We are now locked in a global struggle against both:

Socialism is dying in Europe - just as Obama is trying to inflict it on us here.

Jihadism is attempting to reconquer the Caliphate and force the rest of the world into dhimmitude.

If Obama and socialism win here, then jihadism and dhimmitude will win everywhere else.

We can prevent that from happening by voting GOP this November!

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