Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Thank goodness, the relieving news came sooner than I thought (via Jihad Watch), and he gets asylum:
SAN DIEGO -- The son of a Hamas founder who became a Christian and an Israeli spy will be granted U.S. asylum after he passes a routine background check, an immigration judge ruled Wednesday.

Mosab Hassan Yousef got the news during a 15-minute deportation hearing after a U.S. Department of Homeland Security attorney said the government was dropping its objections.

The agency denied Yousef's asylum request in February 2009, arguing that he had been involved in terrorism and was a threat to the United States.

Attorney Kerri Calcador gave no explanation for the government's change of heart.[...]

In his book, Yousef describes growing up admiring Hamas and hating Israel, leading him to buy a couple machine guns and a handgun in 1996. He said the guns didn't work and that he was arrested by Israeli forces before he killed anyone.
He's lucky he didn't succeed, and we're lucky he learned his lessons since. This does provide him fairly well with the chance of redemption. And now he's found asylum and safety from the murderers he wisely thought to turn against.

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