Thursday, May 13, 2010


Obama sure does know how to shock, just a short time after what could've been a disaster (via Hot Air Headlines):
The Department of Homeland Security told congressional officials Wednesday that it’s moving to make cuts in anti-terror funding to New York City, less than two weeks after cops helped thwart and attempted car bombing in Times Square – an effort the White House has since pinned on the Pakistani Taliban.

The cuts, lawmakers were told, amount to about 25 percent for port security, and another 27 percent for transit security, according to several reports.

It “just makes no sense at all, particularly in light of recent events,” Sen. Charles Schumer told cable station NY1’s “Inside City Hall.” “The worst nightmare we probably face is some kind nuclear device placed in a container in the ship in the harbor and exploding….we need all the help we can get.”
I suppose we can hope then that he won't be voting for Obama in the next election either? Because this is getting very aggravating already.

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