Saturday, May 15, 2010


You've heard of book burnings, I'm sure, but what about food burnings?
Cold peace with Jordan: Israelis good were burned in Jordan Saturday, during protests against Israel in the Hashemite Kingdom's capital marking Nakba Day.

Hundreds of members of the Anti-Normalization Committee, which fights against normalization of economic relations with Israel, set fire to hundreds of fruit and vegetable crates imported from the Jewish neighbor.

The protest, held in Amman's central marketplace, came a day after Jordanian clerics issued a religious edict that forbids purchasing merchandise from Israel.
Well, I guess there's no need to waste money even delivering the food there. Sooner or later, just like Egypt, our rather awkward treaty with Jordan is going to collapse.

And it's sad but no surprise they're pushing the filthy lie of "nakba" even there.

1 comment:

  1. So long as they paid for the goods first.

    Let them buy stuff from the fakestinians, syrians, iranians and saudis; they'll soon starve!
