Sunday, May 09, 2010


It turns out that the disgusting Richard Goldstone, who's sought to demonize Israel for Operation Cast Lead at the UN, has a very disturbing record of his own as an advocate of apartheid:
JERUSALEM - Judge Richard Goldstone gained notoriety in Israel over the past year when the U.N. human rights commission that he chaired made the determination that Israel committed war crimes and criticized the Israeli Defense Forces, which, he claimed, had violated basic human rights.

Judge Richard Goldstone forgot only one thing: to make any mention of his own sordid human rights record.

A special investigation by the Tel Aviv newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, which will be published in this weekend’s Yediot weekend magazine section, will spell out Richard Goldstone’s record as a judge during the apartheid era in South Africa.

It turns out that the judge who authored the U.N. report, which castigated Israel’s three-week incursion into Gaza, took an active part in enforcing the racist policy of one of the cruelest regimes of the 20th Century.

It turns out that when Judge Goldstone sat as a judge in the Court of Appeals in the 1980s and the 1990s, he sent dozens of black people to the gallows without mercy.

This stain on his past did not prevent him from speaking many times against the death penalty and directing sharp criticism at many countries that allowed executions to take place.

Never, it seems in any of his statements, did Judge Goldstone own up to his own actions.

The findings that Yediot Ahronot obtained indicate that Mr. Goldstone sentenced at least 28 black people to death.
Read the rest. Goldstone is a most vile man who should be shunned by all common sense society for his atrocities, and should stand trial for his hypocrisy. I would never want to let him anywhere near my family.


  1. "It turns out that the judge who authored the U.N. report, which castigated Israel’s three-week incursion into Gaza, took an active part in enforcing the racist policy of one of the cruelest regimes of the 20th Century. It turns out that when Judge Goldstone sat as a judge in the Court of Appeals in the 1980s and the 1990s, he sent dozens of black people to the gallows without mercy."

