Thursday, May 27, 2010

EZRA KLEIN: " ... if you want to impeach Barack Obama, I'd very much recommend voting GOP this fall..."

What's at stake in the elections this fall? Energy/climate? Tax cuts? Management of the economy?

Well, sure, all those things. It's worth pointing out, however, that what's also at stake is the impeachment of Barack Obama. I continue to believe that if Obama sits in the White House for six years with a GOP majority in the House of Representatives that the odds are very good -- better than 50 percent -- that he'll be impeached. Not convicted, of course, but impeached, forcing a Senate trial.

... So, if you want to impeach Barack Obama, I'd very much recommend voting GOP this fall, at least for your local House candidate. I think you'll get what you want.

1 comment:

  1. Please note that the article you linked to was not written by Ezra Klein. It was written by Jonathan Bernstein. I was a bit confused about this myself, due to the large banner featuring Ezra Klein at the top of the article, so I won't be too critical of you, but you may want to change your post.
