Friday, April 16, 2010


Making the government bigger and more intrusive won't make this nation more prosperous.
Making the government bigger and more intrusive won't increase wages.
Making the government bigger and more intrusive won't improve the quality of your health.
Making the government bigger and more intrusive won't make your retirement more secure.
Making the government bigger and more intrusive won't reduce the debt.

Our national prosperity, our personal wealth, our health, and the contentment of our golden years will in fact be reduced as the government is made bigger and more intrusive.

A bigger government will increase our material burden.

And reduce our personal liberty.

It's a lose-lose proposition - except for the bureaucrats, politicians and the union workers the government hires --- and whose wages the politicians keep raising --- unions whose political contributions the politicians get.

The biggest domestic threat we face is the Axis of Taxes: the government union/politician complex.

We can defeat it this November.

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