Monday, April 05, 2010


Hayes was the last 1st term POTUS NOT to seek re-election.

Truman opted out, but he had already served 1.5 terms; (he finished FDR's 4th. Ditto: LBJ).

Therefore, it would seem likely that Obama would NOT opt out. But he might be challenged for the nomination - like Carter was by Teddy Jo. And Obama might lose it to Hillary. (Do you think if he lost IOWA and NH that he'd drop out lie LBJ did after doing poorly in NH?)

What do you think about 2012? Will Obama be on the ticket? Will he have a challenge a la Teddy/Carter - if so, then who besides Hillary might challenge him?

Or will he be impeached and convicted before 2012?

Lemme know what you're thinking in comments...

1 comment:

  1. I thought Hilary was positioning herself to challenge Obama, until she jumped on board with his recent attacks on Israel.

    Someone got to Hilary about something. I guess we'll never know what happened behind the scenes, but Obama has nude photos of her with a horse, or something.

    I'm beginning to feat Obama may pull through all this. As you know, I have been convinced he wouldn't make it one term, but he is standing up to the opposition much better than I thought.

    The polls look horrible for he and his fellow Democrats. Let's just hope that momentum carries through til October.
