Monday, April 19, 2010


Last night, blogger Z! attended a gathering at which the speakers were Liz Cheney and Debra Burlingame.

What Z has to say about what she learned with regard to how our national security is being jeopardized by BHO is a must-read!

One excerpt:
[Debra Burlingame] met with Obama regarding Gitmo and she reminded him how he'd once said how safe and good for prisoners it was there and she added that it would help if he'd elaborate on that and remind Americans of that fact. She said he simply "shrugged" and took the next question....


Debra Burlingame flashed on a screen a flier Gitmo detainees got for was in Arabic and told how CRUEL and INHUMAN their treatment was there and gave ways to get out of having to answer interrogators, lies to use, etc etc. This was published by American attorneys....

1 comment:

  1. thank, Always. I plan on doing a bit more detail in my COMMENTS section because I was so tired last night when I did the write-up I completely forgot we'd been given two articles from the WSJ by Burlingame and Cheney....I so appreciate this nod!
