Sunday, March 07, 2010


YnetNews reports that in Turkey's continuing deterioration back to Islam, the authorities are interfering not only in the Jewish community's freedom, but in other communities' freedoms as well (H/T: Point of No Return):
Liberal Turkish newspaper Milliyet reported Sunday that religious leaders from various faiths convened in Istanbul about two-and-a-half weeks ago to discuss the status of the city's non-Muslim residents, including Jews.

The representatives claimed that the treatment of non-Muslims has deteriorated.

According to the newspaper, local authorities are forbidding non-Muslim communities from appointing a leader. Instead, the report said, authorities demand a sole representative for residents of all faiths, thus preventing the Jewish community in Istanbul from appointing a new chief rabbi.

Milliyet further reported that there is evidence of a growing trend in the city whereby Christian and Jewish schoolchildren are being separated from Muslim pupils.
And don't expect it to get any better. There's every chance that this is slowly careening towards disaster.

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