Tuesday, March 23, 2010


When things looked bad in Iraq, Bush didn't tuck tail and run; he SURGED.

Obama and Hillary and Biden and Kerry opposed The Surge.

They wanted to tuck tail and run, but they lost that political battle - because Bush as Commander in Chief could manage the War - and The Surge worked.

Iraq was saved.

Now - right here in the USA - things look bad: the Left just passed Obamacare, the biggest increase in govenment power since Executive Order 9066 and maybe the worst legislation since the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

But we aren't gonna tuck tail and run like liberals.

We're gonna SURGE - between now and Novmeber we're gonna Surge and we're gonna CLEAN HOUSE.

It's gona be sweet.


  1. That's right, Reliapundit. We will kick some Lieberal ass. Then, we'll kick some more! Remember in November!

  2. Good Morning Reliapundit . . . Amen. Your blog post is right on the money. The miserable and corrupt Obama-Care mess will be found Constitutional. That will NOT make the legislation any better. This thing shows big government at it's worst. The Democrats that voted for it just can't get it through their collective heads that we can not stretch our money to infinity and beyond. Even the EGO-IN-CHIEF CAN'T DO IT.

    If you've got an extra moment, please look in on: http://politicsconservativebump.blogspot.com/2010/03/obamacare-arrives.html

