Saturday, February 06, 2010


YnetNews reports on how anti-semitism in the UK has reached frightening levels. Gordon Brown condemns it, but honestly, I can't be moved to take his word at face value.

And while it's not too hard to guess what kind of fiends are behind these attacks, I still think it'd be a good idea to clearly identify them, which this article fails to do (nor in fact does this short item by the AP on the Wash. Post). Are there any vile Pakistanis doing this? Or even native Brits? Or both? It's not too hard to guess what kind of people are doing this, but, only if you clearly identify the problem will it be possible to figure it out.

I fear the number of recorded incidents (924 to date) will cross 1000 very soon, as Britain continues its slow path to self-destruction.

1 comment:

  1. The Prime Minister of Britain is the main cause of the rise in anti-Semitism:

    Nazi of the Week

    "Back in June we exposed the disturbing neo-Nazi affiliations of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Since then more evidence has surfaced concerning his status as a devoted follower of Adolf Hitler."
    "Not only is the highest elected official in the United Kingdom under the evil sway of neo-fascist ideology, but he has attempted to inject his poison into the impressionable minds of the young."
