Monday, February 01, 2010



There is nothing surprising about where Mr. Obama finds himself today. He had been made by charisma, and political magic, and has been felled by it. If his rise had been spectacular, so, too, has been his fall. The speed with which some of his devotees have turned on him—and their unwillingness to own up to what their infatuation had wrought—is nothing short of astounding. But this is the bargain Mr. Obama had made with political fortune.

He was a blank slate, and devotees projected onto him what they wanted or wished. In the manner of political redeemers who have marked—and wrecked—the politics of the Arab world and Latin America, Mr. Obama left the crowd to its most precious and volatile asset—its imagination. There was no internal coherence to the coalition that swept him to power. There was cultural "cool" and racial absolution for the white professional classes who were the first to embrace him.

In real life, Obama was not a blank slate.

But the MSM conspired to keep the truth about Obama from the public.

We on the right knew who and what he was and always had been: a radical Alinsky leftist and a corrupt Chicago Machine politician.

So we on the Right are neither surprised or disappointed.

We knew about Rezko and Blago and Rahm and Axelrod and Wright and Jarrett and Frank Davis and Ayers and the rest.

So Obama sure as hell wasn't a blank slate in real life.

We knew he was merely a gifted reader of the teleprompter and not a great orator or a great writer of speeches.

So we onm the Right are neither surprised or disappointed.

The Left is disappointed because they didn't think he'd sell them out for the Machine.

The Machine is disappointed because they thought he'd be a better salesman and that his charisma would be a more effective smokescreen then it has been.

But Obama is what he always was: an over-rated mediocre hard-core leftist.

More people are just discovering it now because you cannot hide behind rhetoric and promises in the Oval Office.

A POTUS must act and make decisions - and we all live with the results.

And Obama and his team have made MANY bad decisions - like the NYC trial for KSM - and the TERRIBLE results were entirely predictable. AND YES, FOUAD: THE "SPELL IS BROKEN" - THIS MUCH YOU GOT RIGHT!

But not just because Obama has fallen short. Because his policies have.

Leftist policies always fail and crony capitalism always fails, too.

So we on the Right are neither surprised or disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. the MSM conspired to keep the truth about Obama from the public

    No doubt about that portion.

    The MSM's obfuscation allowed BHO to get a lot of votes he wouldn't have otherwise garnered.

    As the truth comes out, he's going to lose a lot of those middle-road votes in 2012. **smile**
