Wednesday, February 24, 2010


New studies show that Hamas is quite at home in the UK:
( In the last 10 years, London has become the primary worldwide bastion of Hamas, according to the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, a non-governmental organization dedicated to the memory of fallen Israeli Intelligence Community agents.


The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center report shows that these incidents are not accidental, but rather concentrated political activity by the Hamas terror organization. The findings say London has become the epicenter of Hamas' political, legal, and propaganda campaigns in Europe. Hamas operatives note that they have been particularly successful, with the assistance of the Muslim Brotherhood, in controlling the discourse regarding Arabs in Israel, and initiating widespread anti-Zionism throughout the country.
There's more at the link telling why the blighty is quite the comfy space for them. And it does not surprise one bit. Britain has long proven itself weak in knees to terrorism and antisemitism, and it's not a country worth visiting.

1 comment:

  1. I actually hadn't thought much about this, but after reading the article it makes sense. It does seem that Hamas has a better propaganda machine than the Israeli in Britian and in western europe and I should add here in the USA. It seems that more and more the youth of western europe are following the muslim cause and ditching the Israeli and western traditions. We are losing this conflict, I should say this war!
