Thursday, February 04, 2010


The Click Cliques.

You know what they are - and who they are. The blogs that another blogger always links to is her Click Clique.

You know, like how Glenn always links to McCardle, Althouse, Volokh, Surber, Vodkapundit, well - anything PJ.

I think this propensity makes a blog boring: one comes to expect certain links are gonna be there. And when this is coupled with repetitive blogging style - like always having a post titled DUDE or always having a sarcastic tone to a title like by starting off with the word GREAT when something bad happens - is also boring.

I try to mix it up. I try to link to different blogs, and also I try to link to news items before the big blogs do and to news outlets the big bloggers ignore; (they're usually foreign).

But maybe having boring and repetitive links and titles is better; after all, some of the biggest blogs are guilty of both offenses everyday.

Well, if you have an interesting blog nobody links to - or some interesting news-sites - let me know in the comments.



  1. I tend to agree with you. One of the most interesting blogs out there is Discarded Lies. It has so many different types of stories it is somewhat astounding. The writers/contributors have pretty much the same outlook as ours, but they do not stick to politics. They switch it up with a lot of science, history, humor, bizarre stories, etc.

    IBA tends to link to Weasel Zippers, Jawa, Watcher, AB, Atlas, and Jihad Watch quite a bit, because those blogs cover the Jihad better than any other source that I know of. However, that is only on about 1/3 of our posts. The rest come from varied sources, including just the original thinking of some of our writers.

    Other blogs that pull from varied sources, and are consistently interesting include Power and Control, Rhymes With Cars and Girls, Al Fin, Saber Point, Vlad Tepes, and Logan's Warning.

    That's pretty much a list of my daily reads.

  2. Generally I link to conservative only blogs---never liberal ones. If someone from a conservative blog visits and ask for a link back I have no problem---whats in a link. I feel I need to help others and certainly those just starting out. I recall some helping me in my early days of blogging.

  3. This is an interesting issue.
    We tend to use the homeschooling method of following links from one site to another (esp. the comment sections)....a daily walk about the NET...mapped out from the links @ LegalInsurrection, YidwithLid & thecoffeeshopblog ...w/ jaunts through non-mainstream Art sites. Lots of visuals w/ very little opinionating. We are musicians posting for artists & musicians.

  4. I don't know how interesting we are yet, as we just launched on Monday of this week, but our intent is to be a resource blog about California and Californians. I think, as we get going, we will have lots of interesting info to offer with some opinion sprinkled in too.

    CALPAL is a spin off blog of Pal2Pal. We are looking for the stories and info that the big media tends to overlook or worse, hypes in their partisan way. Plus we want to cover all aspects of the 2010 California campaigns, primary, and general election.

    Offers to co-blog and/or volunteer newshounds most welcome.

  5. I've had The Astute Blogger on my blog list for quite some time, I've linked to a lot of Astute Blogger articles, and I read your news feed every day.

    I've recently started linking to web sites for my local state representatives, and I'm starting to focus my blogging on state and local issues. Most of the national and international issues are covered elsewhere on the Internet, and I want to give some attention to issues closer to home and where I can actually have more effect. Something to think about.

    The Economic Policy Journal is a must-read for me. They not only "follow the money" better than anyone, but they are usually well ahead of the pack for digging up stories.

    -- Scott,
