Sunday, February 07, 2010


From this column by Richard Cohen in the Washington Post:
[T]he paramount civil liberty is a sense of security and this, sad to say, has eroded under Barack Obama. Repeatedly, the administration has shown poor judgment.
Cohen even praises George W. Bush, albeit in a backhanded fashion:
No doubt George Bush soiled America's image abroad with what looked liked vigilante justice and Dick Cheney's hearty endorsement of ugly interrogation measures. But more is at stake here than America's image abroad -- namely the security and peace of mind of Americans in America. Bush stands condemned by the facts for Sept. 11 -- his watch, his responsibility -- and in all likelihood he bent over backward to ensure that nothing like those attacks would happen again.
The entire essay by Cohen is an indictment of the BHO administration and reads much like Krauthammer's work. An interesting turn because Cohen and Krauthammer typically express antithetical ideas.

1 comment:

  1. This is a rather stunning piece, isn't it?
