Saturday, January 23, 2010


In this article on Israel National News, it's told:
( Sudanese Muslim officials arrest tens of thousands of women a year for wearing "indecent clothing,” including trousers, and many have been fined and subjected to 40 whip lashes. One woman tells related the story after being spared the punishment, apparently because she attracted too much bad publicity.

Lubna al-Hussein told her story on Egyptian television last month, and the interview was translated by Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

Hussein is a journalist and has diplomatic immunity because she works for the United Nations, and her fight for women’s rights left her with a sentence that was not carried out although she waived her immunity. However, dozens of other women arrested along with her for wearing "indecent clothing” suffered a worse fate.

Her crime was wearing trousers.
Read the rest too. I hope she realizes that the UN isn't going to help her or any other Sudanese women who's been victimized by this repugnant policy. Why, they've practically helped make it possible for Islamofascism to take over the country! And that's why they've got to go sooner or later.

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