Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We Are In Danger

If the Department of Defense can't protect its own soldiers from a jihadi attack right inside one of our stateside military bases, how the hell are they going to protect you and me?

The underlying ideological reasons why the DoD is stymied by the Jihad are discussed by Doctor Andrew Bostom here:

This past Thursday (1/14/10) I attended a briefing (an early iteration of the discussion contents are available here, entitled “To Our Great Detriment”) which elucidated in irrefragable detail the Pentagon’s willful capitulation to the dictates of Islamically-correct interpretations of jihad by various Muslim Brotherhood “consultants” to the Department of Defense (DOD). While the DOD adopts the absurdly apologetic interpretation of jihad at its most “aggressive” as a bloodless missionary “striving” to promote the Religion of Peace—negating the living legacy of Jihad as a genocidal war doctrine, in practice as well as theory—the Pentagon’s Muslim Brotherhood advisors, true to the authentic doctrines of Jihad as an endless war of propaganda and deceit, continue to espouse Jihad war to their Muslim constituencies.

Read. It. All.


  1. more on how the muslim brotherhood has infiltrated the dod and the fbi here:


  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Obama is now paying the Taliban in Afghanistan $CASH. Obama can tell which ones won't use the cash to buy IEDs in Iran; he gives the $CASH to the other ones.

    Protecting Americans and American interests, as you point out, is the last thing on Obama's mind.

    Returning soldiers offer an unacceptable security threat; jihad-crazed muslims do not.

    Obama is making Post-America. He hasn't come up with the name yet - but it won't contain "America."
